The following applied research publications reflect our role as an interface between academia and science-based organisations. Please contact the authors for further information.
Publications from 2006
Arthur R C, Iwatsuki T, Sasao E, Metcalfe R, Amano K and Ota K (2006) Geochemical constraints on the origin and stability of the Tono Uranium Deposit, Japan. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis, 6: 33-48.
Bath A H, Richards H G, Metcalfe R, McCartney R A, Degnan P, and Littleboy A K (2006) Geochemical Indicators of Deep Groundwater Movements at Sellafield, UK. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 90: 24-44.
Benbow S, Metcalfe R and Egan M (2006). Handling uncertainty in safety assessments for long term geological storage of CO2. GHGT-8: 8th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, Trondheim, 19-22 June 2006.
Benbow SJ, Savage D, Walker C and Watson SP, 2006. Impact of Groundwater Chemistry in the Shaft Area on Grout used in the Hydraulic Isolation Barrier. UKAEA SILW Reference 54324/4/REP/QNT/1948/IS/02.
- Steven Benbow
- Colin Walker
- Sarah Watson
Black J H, Robinson PC and Barker J A (2006). A Preliminary Investigation of the Concept of 'Hyper-Convergence' using 'Sparse' Channel Networks, SKB Report R 06 30.
Black JH, Michie UM, Savage D and Watson SP (2006). Preliminary Post-Closure Safety and Environmental Case for the D1225 Shaft at Dounreay - Characterisation Report. UKAEA report 54324/2/REP/QNT/0250/IS/04, QRS-1327A-3, Issue 4, September 2006.
D.Kawasaki, J.Ahn, C.-L.Kim, and J.-B.Park, “Deterministic Performance Assessment for Conceptual Repository for Low -and Intermediate- Level Wastes in Korea,” Nuclear Technology, Vol. 154, pp. 374–388 (2006).
- Daisuke Kawasaki
Decent S. P., Sharpe G., Shaw A. J. and Suckling P. M. (2006). The formation of a liquid bridge during the coalescence of drops. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 32, 6, pp. 717-738, June 2006.
Egan MJ, Penfold JSS and Collier GD (2006). Determination of the Dounreay End State - Assessment of End State Options, QRS-1324B-1, Version 1, October 2006.
- David Collier
- James Penfold
Maul P R and Robinson P C (2006). Cracking Down. Nuclear Engineering International 50th Anniversary Edition, April 2006, pp 44-48.
- Philip Maul
- Peter Robinson
Maul P R, Thorne M C, Watson C E and Walke R C (2006). The PRISM Foodchain Modelling Software: Version 3.0 Technical Guide. Quintessa Report to the UK Food Standards Agency QRS-3004A-2, Version 1.0, March 2006.
- Philip Maul
- Mike Thorne
- Russell Walke
- Claire Watson
Metcalfe R, Takase H, Sasao E, Ota K, Iwatsuki T, Arthur R C, Stenhouse M J, Zhou, W and Mackenzie, A B (2006) A system model for the origin and evolution of the Tono Uranium Deposit, Japan. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis, 6: 13-31.
- Richard Metcalfe
- Hiroyasu Takase
Metcalfe R., Ueda A., Kato K., Ohsumi T., Yajima T., Ito H., Kaieda H., Takase H., Savage D., Benbow S., (2006) “The feasibility of sequestering CO2 in geothermal systems: a theoretical evaluation”, in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies.
- Steven Benbow
- Richard Metcalfe
- Hiroyasu Takase
Murray, V. Mohan, R. Aus, C. Wilson, J. (2006). Air Quality Annex 4: Atmospheric Modelling and Monitoring: The Public Health Impact of the Buncefield Oil Depot Fire. Health Protection Agency.
Penfold JS, Walke RC and Watson SP. 2006. Validation of Quantitative Risk Assessments at Dounreay using Measurements of Radioactivity in Environmental Media. Quintessa Report QRS-1305-A2, version 2.
Penfold JSS (2006). Chapelcross End State Study - Assessment of End State Options, QRS-1374A-1Version 1, December 2006.
Penfold JSS (2006). Preliminary Post-Closure Safety and Environmental Case for the D1225 Shaft at Dounreay - Summary Overview Report, UKAEA Report 54324/2/REP/QNT/0270/IS/04, Issue 4, July 2006.
Penfold JSS (2006). Preliminary Post-Closure Safety and Environmental Case for the D1225 Shaft at Dounreay - Volume 1: Main Report, UKAEA Report 54324/2/REP/QNT/0313/IS/03, Issue 4, July 2006.
Penfold JSS, Robinson PC, Walke RC and Watson C (2006). RCLEA: The Radioactively Contaminated Land Exposure Assessment Methodology, Technical Report. QRS-1279A-III2Version 1.0, March 2006.
Sasao, E, Ota K, Iwatsuki T, Niizato T, Arthur R C, Stenhouse M J, Zhou W, Metcalfe, R, Takase H, and Mackenzie A B (2006) An overview of a natural analogue study of the Tono Uranium Deposit, central Japan. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis, 6: 5-12.
- Richard Metcalfe
- Hiroyasu Takase
Thorne M C, Walke R C and Beresford N A (2006). Validation of the PRISM 3.0 Animal Models. Quintessa Report to the UK Food Standards Agency QRS-3004A-5, Version 1.1, June 2006.
Towler, G., Rees. J., and Egan, M. 2006. Assessment of the Sellafield Integrated Waste Strategy: IWS Review and Assessment Report. QRS-1223A-3 Version 1.0.
Walke RC and Penfold JSS (2006). Preliminary Post-Closure Safety and Environmental Case for the D1225 Shaft at Dounreay - Volume 4: Performance Assessment Report, UKAEA Report 54324/2/REP/QNT/0314/IS/04, Issue 4, July 2006.
Watson S P, Hodgkinson D P, Robinson P C, Bailey L E F and Poole M J (2006). Waste Package Scenario Modelling. Proceedings of the MRS2005 Conference, Ghent, September 2005, Mat Res Soc Symp Proc Vol 932 p211-218.
- David Hodgkinson
- Peter Robinson
- Sarah Watson
Watson SP and Savage D (2006). Preliminary Post-Closure Safety and Environmental Case for the D1225 Shaft, Dounreay - Sub-Surface Contamination Report. UKAEA report 54324/2/REP/QNT/0463/IS/04, QRS-1327A-2, Issue 4, July 2006.
Watson SP, Bond AE, Royston S, Needham S, Black JH, Michie UM, Jeffery RI and Sinton P, (2006) Groundwater Flow Modelling for the Shaft Isolation Project. UKAEA Report 54324/3/REP/QNT/1596/IS/01.
West J M, Pearce J, Bentham M, Rochelle C and Maul P R (2006). Environmental Issues and the Geological Storage of CO₂ - a European Perspective. 8th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, Trondheim, June 2006.
- Philip Maul
Wilson, J., Cressey, G., Cressey, B., Cuadros, J., Ragnarsdottir, K.V., Savage, D. and Shibata, M. (2006) The effect of iron on montmorillonite stability. (II) Experimental investigation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 70 (2) 323-336.
Wilson, J., Murray, V., Carlton, O., Wickham, P., Kettle, N. (2006) Environmental sampling and analysis on the London Underground in response to the 7th of July 2005 bombings: lessons identified for major incident management. Chemical Hazards and Poisons Report 7, 19-20.
Wilson, J., Savage, D., Cuadros, J and Ragnarsdottir, K.V. and Shibata, M. (2006) The effect of iron on montmorillonite stability. (I) Background and thermodynamic modelling. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 70 (2) 306-322.
Yanagizawa K, Takeda S, Osawa H, Suyama S, Takase H, Toida M and Metcalfe R (2006) Development of an uncertainty analysis methodology associated with the characterization of the geological environment: study on its applicability in the Tono area. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 932.