
AMBER 6.7.1 Demo

The demonstration version of AMBER provides users with a free restricted version of the software.

The demonstration version is accompanied by a tutorial, and a set of twelve example cases. The Demonstration Guide provides step-by-step instructions for developing the tutorial case and for modifying and running the example cases. The examples, which include several based on International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) material, are:

  • three separate models assessing different aspects and designs for near-surface waste disposal facilities;
  • a safety assessment model for legacy disposal of naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM);
  • a model for atmospheric dispersion and deposition of NORM radionuclides from the stack of a coal-fired power station;
  • a biokinetic model for lead behaviour in the human body;
  • models for radionuclide releases to the biosphere via (i) contaminated irrigation water and (ii) groundwater discharges to a small lake catchment;
  • a Gaussian plume model within an atmospheric deposition source term;
  • a probabilistic biosphere model from the Nuclear Energy Agency PSACOIN model inter-comparison exercise;
  • a model for C-14 migration in an aquatic system; and
  • a model for migration of carbon dioxide and methane from landfill disposal of municipal waste.

In addition to providing those potentially interested in purchasing AMBER licences with hands-on experience of using the code, the demonstration version has been designed with its potential use as a free teaching tool in mind. The tutorial provides users with a simple model that they can implement for themselves and then use to explore modelling of contaminant migration and potential impacts.

Use the download form below to gain access to the free demonstration version of AMBER for the Windows operating system. In addition, the following AMBER 6.7.1 documentation is available to download:

Technical Information

Operating System
Windows 7 and Windows 10 (Linux builds available on request)
System Requirements
Graphics card with OpenGL version 2.1 or greater for 3D visualisation and rendering
Date Published


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