
TESLA 2.1.1

TESLA 2.1.1 can be downloaded below for evaluation, together with a range of supporting documentation. This is the latest version of Quintessa's Evidence Support Logic decision-support software.

If you do not hold a licence for the software, you will be able to evaluate the software but it will be subject to the following restrictions:

  • New trees can only contain a maximum of 10 nodes.
  • No new nodes can be added to trees opened from pre-existing files.
  • The save functionality is disabled.

TESLAPlease see the TESLA 2.1.1 Release Note for further details of the changes made in this version. Comprehensive documentation is provided in Evidence Support Logic: A Guide for TESLA Users and the TESLA User Guide. Please contact Paul Suckling if you would like to enquire about purchasing a licence for TESLA.

It is recommended to uninstall previous versions of TESLA before installing the latest version.

Technical Information

Operating System
Microsoft Windows Vista or 7 (or newer), 32 bit or 64 bit
System Requirements
.NET framework version 2.0 (included in .NET 3.5) To activate on Windows 8 and above, select ".NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0)" from within the "Turn Windows Features On or Off" dialog in the control panel; Pentium III processor or higher recommended; 128 MB RAM recommended; 25 MB of free hard disk space for installation and running.
Date Published


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