The following applied research publications reflect our role as an interface between academia and science-based organisations. Please contact the authors for further information.
Publications from 2003
Cooper N S, Stone D M and Penfold J S S (2003). Investigation of the Potential Significance of Modelling Historic Releases from Drigg, BNFL Drigg Technical Programme Report DTP/220, June 2003.
Egan M J, Collier D, Stone A and Keep M (2003). BPEO as a Guide to Decision Making in the Authorisation of Radioactive Waste Discharges. VALDOR 2003 Symposium on Transparency in Risk Assessment and Decision Making, Stockholm, 9-13 June, 2003.
- David Collier
Egan M J, Kane P and Thorne M C (2003). Derivation and Documentation of the Drigg EFEPs List. BNFL Drigg Technical Programme Report DTP/04, February 2003.
Egan M J, Penfold J S S and Collier G D (2003). Best Practicable Environmental Option for Radioactive Waste Disposal at Nuclear Sites, Environment Agency R&D Technical Report P3-094/TR1, March 2003.
- David Collier
- James Penfold
Egan M J, Thorne M C, Little R H and Pasco R F (2003). Analysis of Critical Issues in Biosphere Assessment Modelling and Site Investigation. SSI Rapport 2003:12, Swedish Radiation Protection Authority, Stockholm, July 2003.
Kunimaru, T., and Metcalfe R. (2003). Isotopic study of the groundwater at Horonobe, northern Hokkaido, Japan. Proceedings of the V.M. Goldschmidt Conference, Kurashiki, Japan.
Kwong, S., Paulley, A. and Bond A. (2003). A finite element computer model for the application of electrokinetics to contaminated land. ICEM 03-4562.
Little R H and Penfold J S S (2003). Preliminary Safety Assessment of Concepts for a Permanent Waste Repository at the Western Waste Management Facility Bruce Site: Summary Report. Quintessa Report QRS-1027B-2 v1.0. Henley-on-Thames, United Kingdom.
Little R H, Maul P R and Penfold J S S (2003). Assessment of Radioactive and Non-Radioactive Contaminants found in Low Level Radioactive Waste Streams. WM'03 Conference, February 2003, Tucson, Arizona.
- Richard Little
- Philip Maul
- James Penfold
Little R H, Robinson P C, Humphreys P and Schneider J (2003). The Application of the AMBER Software Tool to the Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste. 6th Slovak-Czech Seminar on the Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste, Piestany, 26-28 August 2003.
Maul P R, Robinson P C, Broed R, Avila R, Pereira A and Xu S, AMBER and EcoLego Intercomparisons using Calculations from SR 97. Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate report SKI 2003:28 ( also SSI 2003:11).
- Philip Maul
- Peter Robinson
Metcalfe R, Hama, K., Amano, K., Iwatsuki, T, and Saegusa, H. (2003). Geochemical approaches to understanding a deep groundwater flow system in the Tono area, Gifu-ken, Japan. In: Nishigaki, M. et al. (ed). Proceedings of IS-OKAYAMA2003: An International Symposium on Groundwater Problems related to Geo-Environment. Okayama, 28th - 30th May 2003. Balkema, Amsterdam, 555-561.
Metcalfe R, Takase H, Sasao, E., Ota, K., Iwatsuki, T., Arthur, R.C., Stenhouse, M., Zhou, W. and MacKenzie, A.B. (2003). The Tono Natural Analogue Project: a system model for the origin and evolution of the Tono uranium deposit, Japan. Proceedings of the V.M. Goldschmidt Conference, Kurashiki, Japan.
- Richard Metcalfe
- Hiroyasu Takase
Metcalfe R, Takase H, Savage D, Benbow S J, Ohsumi, T., Ueda, A., Haga, D. and Kato, K. (2003). Evaluating the feasibility of CO2 sequestration in geothermal fields: coupled simulations of fluid flow and reaction. Proceedings of Gas-Water-Rock interactions induced by reservoir exploitation, CO2 sequestration and other geological storage, 18th-20th November, Reuil-Malmaison, France.
- Steven Benbow
- Richard Metcalfe
- Hiroyasu Takase
P.J. Degnan, A.K. Littleboy, U.Mcl. Michie, C.P. Jackson and S.P. Watson. (2003) Fracture Dominated Flow in the Borrowdale Volcanic Group at Sellafield, NW England: The Identification of Potential Flowing Features, Development of Conceptual Models and Derivation of Effective Parameters. Geological Society Special Publication 214, 2003.
P.J. Degnan, A.K. Littleboy, U.Mcl. Michie, J. Heathcote C.P. Jackson and S.P. Watson (2003) The Effect of Sedimentary and Tectonic Structures on Groundwater Flow in the Sherwood Sandstone Group of the Sellafield Area. Geological Society Special Publication, In Review.
Penfold J S S (2003). Calculation Cases, Models and Data for the Assessment of Future Human Actions and Disruptive Events, BNFL Drigg Technical Programme Report DTP/135, February 2003.
Penfold J S S (2003). Good practice guidance for the management of contaminated land on nuclear and defence sites (four page summary).
Penfold J S S and Cooper N S (2003). Assessment Results for Future Human Actions and Disruptive Events for the 2002 Drigg PCRSA, BNFL Drigg Technical Programme Report DTP/119, February 2003.
Penfold J S S, Little R H, Bowden R A and Egan M J (2003). Preliminary Safety Assessment of Concepts for a Low Level Waste Permanent Repository at the Western Waste Management Facility Bruce Site. Quintessa Report to Municipality of Kincardine and Ontario Power Generation. QRS-1127B-1, version 1.0 March 2003.
Penfold J S S, Little R H, Bowden R A, and Egan M J (2003). Preliminary Safety Assessment of Concepts for a Permanent Waste Repository at the Western Waste Management Facility Bruce Site. Quintessa Report QRS-1027B-1 v1.0. Henley-on-Thames, United Kingdom.
Savage D, Maul P R, Benbow S J and Stenhouse, M. (2003) The assessment of the long-term fate of carbon dioxide in geological systems. In Coping with Climate Change, 25-27 March 2003. Geological Society of London Online Extended Abstracts.
- Steven Benbow
- Philip Maul
Savage D, Metcalfe R, Takase H, Ohsumi, T., Ueda, A., Haga, D. and Kato, K. (2003) CO2 sequestration into geothermal fields: (3) Theoretical evaluation of CO2/water/rock interaction. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, V.M. Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts 67: A416.
- Richard Metcalfe
- Hiroyasu Takase
Smith G M and Little R H (2003). Review of JGC's Report on the Development of a Methodology for Site Characterisation for Use in the Development of Specific Assessment Biospheres. Quintessa/Enviros Report for NUMO, QRS-1111B-3 v1.0, Henley-on-Thames, UK.
Tsuchi, H., Seo, T., Metcalfe R, Kawano, K., Takase H, Bowden R A, Suyama, Y., Toida, M., Furuichi, M., Matsumura, A. and Yoshimura, M. (2003). Study on a decision making methodology with uncertainties in the selection process of preliminary investigation areas. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 807, 21-26.
- Richard Metcalfe
- Hiroyasu Takase
Watkins B M, Egan M J, Little R H and Smith G M (2003). Climate Change in Biosphere Assessments. Quintessa/Enviros Report QRS-1036C-4 Version 1.0, Henley-on-Thames, UK.
Watkins B M, Little R H, Walke R C, and Smith G M (2003). Development of Assessment Contexts for Japanese Generic Site Concepts. Quintessa/Enviros Report for NUMO, QRS-1111B-1 v1.0, Henley-on-Thames, UK.
Watkins B M, Walke R C, Little R H, and Smith G M (2003). Development of Protocol for Japanese Site Concept Assessment Biospheres. Quintessa/Enviros Report for NUMO, QRS-1111B-2 v1.0, Henley-on-Thames, UK.