The following applied research publications reflect our role as an interface between academia and science-based organisations. Please contact the authors for further information.
Benbow S J, Robinson P C and Watson S P (2011). Analysis of Barrier Performance: Modelling of Copper Corrosion Scenarios with and without buffer erosion. SSM report 2011:12.
Benbow S, Wilson J, Savage D, Chittenden N (2011). Evaluation of the Chemical Evolution of HLW Cell Plug by Chemical-Transport Simulations. QRS-1507A-3.
Bytwerk D, Limer L, Albrecht A, Marang L, Smith G and Thorne M (2011). Sources and significance of variation in the dose estimates of 36Cl biosphere transfer models: a model intercomparison study. Journal of Radiological Protection, 31(1), 63-82.
Geofirma Engineering Ltd. and Quintessa Ltd. (2011). Postclosure Safety Assessment: Gas Modelling. Nuclear Waste Management Organisation Report NWMO DGR-TR-2011-31, Toronto, Canada.
Gierszewski P, Leung H, Little R, Avis J and Garisto N (2011). OPG’s DGR for L&ILW – Safety Assessment. Proceedings of Waste Management, Decommissioning and Environmental Restoration for Canada’s Nuclear Activities, Canadian Nuclear Society, Toronto, Canada.
Humphreys P N, West J M and Metcalfe R (2009) Microbial effects on repository performance. Quintessa Report to the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, Radioactive Waste Management Directorate (RWMD), QRS-1378Q-1, Version 2.0.
King F, Humphreys P and Metcalfe R (2011) A review of the information available to assess the risk of microbiologically influenced corrosion in waste packages. Quintessa Report to the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, Radioactive Waste Management Directorate, QRS-1384L-1, Version 3.0.
King F, Watson S, Wilson J and MacKenzie J (2011). Corrosion of Candidate HLW/Spent Fuel Container Materials in Generic Environments – Operational Aspects. Quintessa Report QRS-1525A-R1 v1.0 for NDA RWMD. Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, Harwell, UK.
Limer L M C (2011). Assessment Calculations for C-14 Labelled Gas and Radon for the LLWR 2011 ESC (Extended Disposal Area). Quintessa Report to the LLW Repository Ltd in support of the 2011 ESC, QRS-1443ZG-1, Version 3.0, April 2011.
Limer L M C and Thorne M C (2011). Assessment Calculations for Radon for the LLWR 2011 ESC. Quintessa Report to the LLW Repository Ltd in support of the 2011 ESC, QRS-1443ZG-1, Version 3.0, April 2011.
Limer L M C and Thorne M C (2011). NDA RWMD Biosphere Assessment Studies FY2010-2011: Radiological Screening. Quintessa Report to the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) Radioactive Waste Management Directorate (RWMD) QRS-1378ZM-2.
Limer L M C and Thorne M C (2011). NDA RWMD Biosphere Assessment Studies FY2010-2011: The Biosphere Transport, Distribution and Radiological Impact of C-14 released from a Geological Disposal Facility. Quintessa Report to the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) Radioactive Waste Management Directorate (RWMD) QRS-1378ZM-1.
Limer L M C, Smith K, Albrecht A, Marang L, Norris S, Smith G M, Thorne M C and Xu S (2011). C-14 Long-Term Dose Assessment in a Terrestrial Agricultural Ecosystem: FEP Analysis, Scenario Development, and Model Comparison. A report prepared within the BIOPROTA international cooperation programme.
Limer L M C, Thorne M C and Cummings R (2011). Consideration of Canopy Structure in Modelling 14C-Labelled Gas Behaviour in the Biosphere for Human Dose Assessments. Radioprotection 46 (6), S409-S415.
Limer L M C, Thorne M C and Towler G H (2011). Assessment Calculations for C-14 Labelled Gas for the LLWR 2011 ESC. Quintessa Report to the LLW Repository Ltd in support of the 2011 ESC, QRS-1443Z-1, Version 4.0, April 2011.
Little R, Avis J, Fernandes S, Garisto N, Jackson R, Rees J, Towler G and Walke R (2011). Postclosure Safety Assessment: Features, Events and Processes. Quintessa Ltd., SENES Consultants Ltd. and Geofirma Engineering Ltd. report for the Nuclear Waste Management Organization NWMO DGR-TR-2011-29 R000. Toronto, Canada.
Little R, Avis J, Garisto N, Humphreys P, King F, Metcalfe R, Penfold J, Ramlakan A, Suckling P, Towler G, Walke R, Walsh R, West A and Wilson J (2011). Postclosure Safety Assessment. Quintessa Ltd., Geofirma Engineering Ltd. and SENES Consultants Ltd. report for the Nuclear Waste Management Organization NWMO DGR-TR-2011-25 R000. Toronto, Canada.
Little R, Dragolici F, Bond A, Matyasi L, Matyasi S, Naum M, Niculae O, Thorne M and Watson S (2007). Preliminary Safety Analysis of the Baita Bihor Radioactive Waste Repository, Romania. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management ICEM2007, September 2-6, 2007, Oud Sint-Jan Hospital Conference Center, Bruges, Belgium.
Little R, Walke R, Towler G and Penfold J (2011). Impact Modelling for the Postclosure Safety Assessment of the DGR. Proceedings of Waste Management, Decommissioning and Environmental Restoration for Canada’s Nuclear Activities, Canadian Nuclear Society, Toronto, Canada.
Little, R., Humphreys, P., King, F., Metcalfe, R., Penfold, J., Suckling, P., Towler, G., Walke, R. and Wilson, J. (2011) OPG’s Deep Geologic Repository for Low and Intermediate Level Waste. Post Closure Safety Assessment: System and Its Evolution. NWMO Report NWMO DGR-TR-2011-28. Nuclear Waste Management Organization, Canada.
Maul P R (2011). Risk Assessment, Risk Management and Remediation for the Geological Disposal of Radioactive Waste and Storage of Carbon Dioxide. In Ferenc (editor), Geological Disposal of Carbon Dioxide and Radioactive Waste: A Comparative Assessment. Springer.
Maul P, Robinson P C and Northrop P J (2011). Statistical Modelling of Graphite Brick Cracking in Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactors. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C (Applied Statistics), 60(3), 1-15.
McDermott CI, Bond AE, Wang W and Kolditz O (2011). Front Tracking Using a Hybrid Analytical Finite Element Approach for Two-Phase Flow Applied to Supercritical CO2 Replacing Brine in a Heterogeneous Reservoir and Caprock
Metcalfe R, Michie U and Watson S P (2011 in press). Assessing the characterisation of geological environments for a geological disposal facility. Environment Agency Science Report
Paulley A and Egan M (2011). Design Optimisation for the LLWR 2011 ESC (Extended Disposal Area). QRS-1443ZE-1 Version 1.2.
Paulley A and Egan M J, 2011. Pre- and Post-closure Engineering Optimisation for the LLWR 2011 ESC. Quintessa report QRS-1443O-1 Version 2.0.
Paulley A, Metcalfe R and Limer L (2011). Systematic FEP and Scenario Analysis to Provide a Framework for Assessing Long-Term Performance of the Krechba CCS System at In Salah. Energy Procedia, 4, 4185-4192.
Penfold J, Garisto N, Janes A, Little R, Ramlakan A, Towler G and Walke R (2011). Postclosure Safety Assessment: Analysis of Human Intrusion and Other Disruptive Scenarios. Quintessa Ltd. and SENES Consultants Ltd. report for the Nuclear Waste Management Organization NWMO DGR-TR-2011-27 R000. Toronto, Canada.
Penfold JSS and Paulley A (2011). Assessment of Environmental Safety during the Period of Authorisation for the LLWR 2011 ESC, QRS-1443ZB-1, Version 1.4, April 2011.
Penfold JSS and Walke RC (2011). Using RCLEA - the Radioactively Contaminated Land Exposure Assessment Methodology, CLR-13, Version 1.1, May 2011.
Quintessa Ltd. and Geofirma Engineering Ltd. (2011). T2GGM Version 2: Gas Generation and Transport Code. Nuclear Waste Management Organisation Report NWMO DGR-TR-2011-33, Toronto, Canada.
Robinson P and Watson C (2011). Handling Interfaces and Time-Varying Properties in Radionuclide Transport Models. SSM Report 2011:11.
Savage D, Arthur R, Watson C, Wilson J and Strömberg B (2011). Testing geochemical models of bentonite pore water evolution against laboratory experimental data. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 36:1817-1829.
Savage D, Soler J, Yamaguchi K, Walker C, Honda A, Inagaki M, Watson C, Wilson J, Benbow S, Gaus I and Rueedi J (2011). A comparative study of the modelling of cement hydration and cement-rock laboratory experiments. Applied Geochemistry 26:1138-1152.
T.W. Hicks, T.D. Baldwin, I. Hill, S. Watson and M.J. White (2011) The Feasibility of using Multi-purpose Containers for the Geological Disposal of Spent Fuel and High Level Radioactive Waste. Galson Sciences Report 1107-1.
Thorne M, Limer L and Smith G (2011). NDA RWMD Biosphere Assessment Studies FY2010-2011: Review of Biosphere Characterisation Studies Undertaken by Selected Waste Management Organisations and Derived Guidance to RWMD Biosphere Assessment Studies. Quintessa Report to the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) Radioactive Waste Management Directorate (RWMD) QRS-1378W-3, Version 1.0 (Final).
Towler G and AE Bond. (2011) Investigation of gas Generation and Resaturation Issues: Input to EC FORGE Project. QRS-1378ZC-R2 Version 2,0.
Towler G H, Thorne M C and Walke R C (2011). NDA RWMD Biosphere Assessment Studies FY2009-10: Catchment Modelling in Support of Post closure Performance Assessment. Quintessa Limited Report to Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) Radioactive Waste Management Directorate (RWMD), QRS-1378W-2, Version 1.2, February 2011.
Towler G, Wilson J, Limer L, Wickham T and Harvey L (2011). Optimisation of Deep Geological Disposal of Graphite Wastes. Quintessa Report to the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) Radioactive Waste Management Directorate (RWMD) QRS-1378ZO-R1, Version 2.0.
Towler GH, Penfold JSS, Limer LMC and Paulley A (2011). Assessment of Coastal Erosion for the LLWR 2011 Environmental Safety Case, QRS-1443ZC-R1, Version 3.0, March 2011.
Walke R C, Thorne M C and Limer L M C (2011). NDA RWMD Biosphere Assessment Studies FY2010-2011: Biosphere Assessment Model. Quintessa Limited report to NDA RWMD QRS 1378ZM-4, Version 1.0, November 2011.
Walke R, Humphreys P, King F, Little R, Metcalfe R, Penfold J, Towler G, Walsh R and Wilson J (2011). Postclosure Safety Assessment: Data. Quintessa Ltd. and Geofirma Engineering Ltd. report for the Nuclear Waste Management Organization NWMO DGR-TR-2011-32 R000. Toronto, Canada.
Walke R, Little R, Ramlakan A and Towler G (2011). Postclosure Safety Assessment: Analysis of the Normal Evolution Scenario. Quintessa Ltd. report for the Nuclear Waste Management Organization NWMO DGR TR-2011-26 R000. Toronto, Canada.
Walke R, Metcalfe R, Limer L, Maul P, Paulley A and Savage D (2011). Experience of The Application of a Database of Generic Features, Events and Processes (FEPs) Targeted at Geological Storage of CO2. Energy Procedia, 4, 4059-4066.
Walke, R., Humphreys, P., King, F., Little, R., Metcalfe, R., Penfold, J., Towler, G., Walsh, R. and Wilson, J. (2011) OPG’s Deep Geologic Repository for Low and Intermediate Level Waste. Post Closure Safety Assessment: Data. NWMO Report NWMO DGR-TR-2011-32. Nuclear Waste Management Organization, Canada.
Watson C, Savage D, Wilson J and Benbow S (2011). Modelling Support to the LCS Experiment Phase I: Contribution to the LCs Partners' Joint Report. Quintessa Report QRS-1378S-R2 for NDA RWMD, Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, Harwell, UK.
Watson C, Savage D, Wilson J and Walker C (2011). Reactive Transport Modelling of the Tournemire Analogue: LCS Phase II. Quintessa Report QRS-1523A Version 2.0 for NDA RWMD. Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, Harwell, UK.
Wilson J, Thorne M, Towler G and Norris S (2011). Assessment of the human health implications of chemotoxic species release from radioactive waste geological disposal facilities, Journal of Radiological Protection 31, 411-430.
Wilson, J., Savage, D., Bond, A., Watson, S., Pusch, R. and Bennett, D. (2011). Bentonite: A Review of key properties, processes and issues for consideration in the UK context. Quintessa Report QRS-1378ZG v1.1 for NDA RWMD. Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, Harwell, UK (to appear).
Wilson, J.C, Benbow, S.J., Metcalfe, R., Savage, D., Walker, C.S. and Chittenden, N. 2011. Fully coupled modeling of long term cement well seal stability in the presence of CO2. Energy Procedia, 4, 5162–5169.
Yoshida H, Metcalfe R, Nishimoto S, Yamamoto H and Katsuta N (2011). Weathering rind formation in buried terrace cobbles during periods of up to 300ka. Applied Geochemistry, 26, 1706-1721.