The following applied research publications reflect our role as an interface between academia and science-based organisations. Please contact the authors for further information.
Avis J, Calder N, Humphreys P, King F, Suckling P, Walsh R (2014). T2GGM: A Coupled Gas Generation Model for Deep Geologic Disposal of Radioactive Waste. Nuclear Technology, August 2014, vol 187(2), pp. 175-187.
Benbow S J, Rivett M O, Chittenden N, Herbert A W, Watson S, Williams S J and Norris S (2014). Potential migration of buoyant LNAPL from Intermediate Level Waste (ILW) emplaced in a geological disposal facility (GDF) for UK radioactive waste. J. Contam. Hydrol., 167 (2014), 1-22
Bond A, Benbow S, Wilson J, McDermott C and M English. (2014). Decovalex-2011: Quintessa and University of Edinburgh Contribution to Task A. Quintessa Report to NDA RWMD QRS-1378J-R9v2.1.
Bond AE, Thatcher K, Chittenden N, McDermott C and A Fraser-Harris. (2014). RWM Coupled Processes Project: First Annual Report for RWM participation in DECOVALEX-2015 Tasks A and C1. 18040-TR-002 v2.1.
Bond,AE, Chittenden N, Fedors R. Lang PS, McDermott C, Neretniecks I, Pan PZ, Šembera J, Watanabe N, Yasushara H. (2014). Coupled THMC modelling of a single fracture in novaculite for DECOVALEX-2015. Proceedings of DFNE2014.
F King, D Burt, J Ganeshalingam. P Gardner, D Sanderson, S Watson and C Padovani (2014). Coupled analysis of mechanical- and corrosion-related degradation of carbon steel spent fuel container. Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology, 19, No 6, P442-449.
Hama K and Metcalfe R (2014). Groundwater dating applied for geological disposal of radioactive waste - a review of methods employed worldwide. Journal of the Japanese Association of Hydrological Sciences, 44, 39-64.
Jackson C P, Jefferies N L, Alexander R, Smith J, Frieg B, Gauss I, Vomvoris S, Metcalfe R, Marsden R (2014) Sealing deep site investigation boreholes: Phase 1 report. RWMD/03/042. Report for RWM.
Klos R, Limer L, Shaw G and Wörman A (2014). Modelling comparison of alternative biosphere models with LDF models and evaluation of selected parameter values used in the biosphere dose assessment. A report published by the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority: 2014:35.
Millard A, Barnichon J-D, Mochni N, Thatcher K, Bond A and R Blaheta. (2014). Modelling benchmark of a laboratory test on hydro-mechanical behavior of bentonite. Proceedings of UNSAT-2014.
Neall F, Bennett D, Jones A, and Wilson J (2014). Understanding the Evolution of the Carbon Component of the Dragon Reactor Fuel during the Post-Closure Phase of Geological Disposal.
Paulley A (2014). National Strategic BAT for Organic Low Level Radioactive Waste. Final BAT Report. January 2014. A Jacobs report for LLWR Ltd., Reference 60X50008_01.
Penfold J (2014). Further Reproduction of SKB’s Calculation Cases and Independent Calculations of Additional “What If?” Cases. A report published by the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority: Technical Note 2014:55.
Quintessa (2014) Generic CO₂ FEP Database, Version 2.0.0. Quintessa Limited, Henley-on-Thames, United Kingdom. Open access on-line database Ltd.
Robinson P C, Burrow J F and Maul P R (2014). Statistical Modelling of the Evolution of Graphite Properties and Reactor Cores. Proceedings of the 4th EDF Energy Nuclear Graphite Symposium: Engineering Challenges Associated with the Life of Graphite Reactor Cores, Nottingham 2014.
Thorne M C, Walke R C and Kelly M (2014). Representation of Climate Change and Landscape Development in Post-closure Radiological Impact Assessments. Quintessa and AMEC report to Radioactive Waste Management Limited QRS-1667A-1, Issue 2.
Walke R and Limer L (2014). Further Modelling Comparison of Simple Reference Biosphere Models with the LDF Modelling Approach. A Quintessa Ltd report, published by the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority: 2014:54.
Walke R C (2014). Modelling Comparison of Simple Reference Biosphere Models with LDF Models. Quintessa Limited report, published as a Swedish Radiation Safety Authority Technical Note 2014:34.
Yoshida H, Katsuta N, Metcalfe R (2014). 'Fish-eye' type concretions: A possible analogue of radionuclide migration and retardation in rock matrices around buried HLW containers. Jour. Geol. Soc. Japan, Vol. 120, No. 10, July 2014.
Yoshida H, Nagatomo A, Oshima A and Metcalfe R (2014). Geological characterisation of the active Atera Fault in central Japan: Implications for defining fault exclusion criteria in crystalline rocks around radioactive waste repositories. Engineering Geology, 177, 93–103.