The following applied research publications reflect our role as an interface between academia and science-based organisations. Please contact the authors for further information.
Publications from 2008
Bond AE, Towler GH and Watson SP, 2008. Dounreay New LLW Facilities Project: District-scale Groundwater Flow Modelling. Quintessa Report QRS-1347A-1, DSRL report LLW(07)/S2/232.
Collier D and Egan M (2008). BPEO Evolution. Nuclear Environmental Discharge Conference 2008 (NEDCON'08), Chilton, Harwell, 22-23 April 2008.
- David Collier
Collier D, Egan M, James M and Loudon D (2008). MADA and Elicitation of Decision Logic in the Public Arena. 50th Anniversary Conference of the Operational Research Society, York, 9-11 September 2008.
- David Collier
D. Kawasaki and J. Ahn, "Formulation of Time-Domain Random-Walk Compartment Model for Radionuclide Migration from a Geologic Repository," Nuclear Technology, Vol. 163, pp. 137–146 (2008).
- Daisuke Kawasaki
D. Kawasaki, Radionuclide Transport in Geologic Waste Repository: Application of Compartment Models, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, Saarbrücken (2008).
- Daisuke Kawasaki
Heathcote J, Graham D, Walke R C and Penfold J S S (2008). Safe Management of Residual Radioactive Ground Contamination at Dounreay. Paper presented at the joint meeting between the Geological Society and Hazards Forum on The Storage and Disposal of Radioactive Waste, 21st May 2008, London.
Jova L, Metcalf P and Little R (2008). Borehole Disposal Facilities for Disposal of Radiation Sources: A Generic Post-closure Safety Assessment. Paper presented at the 12th International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA) Conference, October 19 - 24, 2008, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Limer L M C, Maul P R and Thorne M C (2008). A Soil-plant Model for the Latera Site. Quintessa Report QRS-1320B-2, Version 1.0.
- Laura Limer
- Philip Maul
- Mike Thorne
Limer L, Albrecht A, Marang L, Miquel S, Tamponnet C, Nakai K, Gierzewski P, Thorne M and Smith G (2008). Investigation of Cl-36 Behaviour in Soils and Uptake into Crops. A report prepared within the BIOPROTA international cooperation programme and published by ANDRA: C.RO.ASTR.08.0048.
- Alex Bond
- Laura Limer
- Philip Maul
- Mike Thorne
Maul P R, Robinson P C, Bond A E and Benbow S J (2008), “Independent Calculations for the SR-Can Assessment: External Review Contribution in Support of SKI's and SSI's Review of SR-Can”. SKI Report 2008-12.
- Steven Benbow
- Alex Bond
- Philip Maul
- Peter Robinson
Maul P., Robinson P., Suckling P., Bradford M., Wheatley C. and Robertson I. (2008) The Development and Application of a Protocol for the Validation of Core Component Condition Assessment Prediction Methods. Securing the Safe Performance of Graphite Reactor Cores Conference, British Energy Generation Ltd., November 2008.
- Philip Maul
- Peter Robinson
- Paul Suckling
- Steven Benbow
- David Hodgkinson
- Laura Limer
- Richard Metcalfe
- Alan Paulley
- Russell Walke
- Claire Watson
Paulley A and Limer L (2008). CO2ReMoVe: Deliverable D2.3.4: Scenario Generation and FEP Audits for Long-term Assessments of the Krechba CCS system at In Salah: Process, Context and High-level FEP and Scenario Descriptions, Version 1.1.
Penfold J S S and Towler G H (2008). An Assessment of the Historical Releases of Radioactivity from the D1225 Shaft, SILW Reference 54324/4/REP/QNT/3057/IS/01, March 2008.
Penfold, J., Grimwood, P., Little, R., Towler, G., and Paulley, A., 2008. Dounreay Solid Low Level Radioactive Waste Strategy Development – Stage 2: Review of the “Run 2” Performance Assessment. Quintessa report QRS-1428A-1.
PR Mail, SJ Benbow, A Bond, S Kwong, A Pauley, JSS Penfold, PC Robinson, RC Walke, CE Watson, SP Watson. SIMER: An advanced Computer Code for the Simulation of Environmental Risks Associated with Site End Points. ICEM’05 - 1097: The 9th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management. September 4 – 8, 2005
Robinson P C and Suckling P M (2008). PICNIC-TD: Mathematical Model for version 1.2. Nagra NAB 08-55.
Savage, D., Watson, C., Benbow, S. and Wilson, J. (2008) Modelling iron-bentonite interactions. Applied Clay Science.
Towler GH, Barker JA, McGarry RG, Watson SP, McEwen T, Michie U and Holstein A. (2008) Post-Closure Performance Assessment: Example Approaches for Groundwater Modelling of Generic Environments. QRS-1378G-1 Version 2.1.
Watson S and Thorne M, 2008. Berkeley Nuclear Licensed Site: PSR Physical Works: Assessment of Potential for Coastal Flooding. Quintessa Report QRS-1448A-R2.
Watson S, Metcalfe R and Bond A, 2008. Scoping calculations for releases from potential UK UGS facilities. HSE Research Report RR606.
Wilson, J. (2008) 'Contaminated Land Assessment', Chapter in 'Essentials of Toxicology for Health Protection', ed. David Baker et al. Health Protection Agency. Chilton, Oxon.
Yoshida, H, Metcalfe, R, Yamamoto, K, Murakami, Y, Hoshii, D, Kanekiyo, A, Naganuma, T and Hayashi, T (2008). Redox front formation in an uplifting sedimentary rock sequence: an analogue for redox-controlling processes in the geosphere around deep geological repositories for radioactive waste. Applied Geochemistry, 23: 2364-2381.