The following applied research publications reflect our role as an interface between academia and science-based organisations. Please contact the authors for further information.
Publications from 2010
Bond A E, Egan M J, Metcalfe R C, Robinson P C and Towler G (2010). Understanding controls on the performance of engineered barrier systems in repositories for high-level radioactive waste and spent fuel. UK Environment Agency Report SC060055.
Bond A.E., Savage D.S., Wilson J.C., Maul P.R. and Robinson P.C. (2010). Modelling the Evolution of Compacted Bentonite Clays in Engineered Barrier Systems: Process model development for bentonite-water-air systems. ANDRA Clay Conference, Nantes, 2010.
- Alex Bond
- Philip Maul
- Peter Robinson
- James Wilson
F King and S Watson, 2010 Review of the corrosion performance of selected metals as canister materials for UK spent fuel and/or HLW. QRS-1384J-1.
Fish P, Thorne MC, Moore R, Penfold J, Richards L, Lee M, Pethick J (2010). LLWR Environmental Safety Case: Forecasting the Development of the Cumbrian Coastline in the Vicinity of the LLWR Site, QRS-1443X-1, Version 1, July 2010.
Garitte B, Gens A, Liu X, Liu Q, Millard A, Bond A, McDermott C, Fujita T and Nakama S (2010). Modelling benchmark: of a laboratory drying test in Opalinus Clay. EuroRock 2010.
Maul P R, Benbow S J, Bond A E and Robinson P C (2010). Modelling Coupled Processes in the Evolution of Repository Engineered Barrier Systems using QPAC-EBS. SSM Report 2010:25.
- Steven Benbow
- Alex Bond
- Philip Maul
- Peter Robinson
Maul P R, Robinson, P C and Steer A G (2010). Understanding AGR Graphite Brick Cracking using Physical Understanding and Statistical Modelling. Proceedings of the Meeting on Securing the Safe Performance of Graphite Reactor Cores, 24-26 November 2008, University of Nottingham. Royal Society of Chemistry.
- Philip Maul
- Peter Robinson
Pearl M, Hesketh N and Penfold J (2010). Guidance On A Tiered Risk Assessment Framework For Radioactive Land Contamination NDA Direct Research Portfolio, UKAEA Reference TSG(10)0663, Issue 1, October 2010.
Robinson P, Maul P and Watson C (2010). Radionuclide Transport: Preparation During 2009 for the SR-Site Review. SSM Report 2010:18.
- Philip Maul
- Peter Robinson
- Claire Watson
Savage D, Arthur R, Watson C and Wilson J (2010). An Evaluation of Models of Bentonite Pore Water Evolution. SSM Report 2010:12.
Savage D, Benbow S, Watson C, Takase H, Ono K, Oda C and Honda A (2010). Natural systems evidence for the alteration of clay under alkaline conditions: An example from Searles Lake, California. Applied Clay Science, 47:72-81.
- Steven Benbow
- Hiroyasu Takase
- Claire Watson
Savage D, Watson C, Benbow S and Wilson J. (2010) Modelling iron-bentonite interactions. Applied Clay Science, vol 47: p91-98. (2010)
Savage, D., Walker, C., and Benbow, S. (2010) “An Analysis of Potential Changes to Barrier Components due to Interaction with a Concrete Liner in a Repository for SF/HLW in Opalinus Clay”, Nagra Report NAB 10-17, Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland, 2010.
Suckling P M, Chittenden N, Benbow S J and Bodinar T (2010). PA Repository and Information Zone for Assessment Data Exploration (PARIZADE). Associated software lifecycle and usage guides.
Towler G, Thorne M C, Kane P, Penfold J S S and Limer L (2010). Development and Testing of a Capability for Radiological Assessment of Coastal Erosion. QRS-1433U-R1, Version 1.1.
Vounaki T, Maul P, Robinson P and Limer L (2010). The status of the QPAC Player for the ASGARD site; implications for the RISCS project. British Geological Survey Open Report, OR/10/004. 39pp.
- Laura Limer
- Philip Maul
- Peter Robinson
Walke R C, Thorne M C and Limer L M C (2010). The PRISM Foodchain Modelling Software: Version 3.2.2 Data Report. Quintessa Report to the UK Food Standards Agency QRS-3004E-3, Version 1.0, March 2010.
Walke R C, Thorne M C, Watson C E and Limer L M C (2010). The PRISM Foodchain Modelling Software: Version 3.2.2 Technical Report. Quintessa Report to the UK Food Standards Agency QRS-3004E-2, Version 1.0, March 2010.
Wendling J (editor). Contributing authors: Bond AE, Justinavicius D, Norris S., Sentis M., and Yu L. ( 2010) FORGE Report: Deliverable D1.3. Progress report on benchmark studies on repository-scale numerical simulations of gas migration. March 2010.
Wilson, J.C., Thorne, M., Towler, G and Norris, S. (2010) Assessment of the human health implications of chemotoxic species release from radioactive waste geological disposal facilities, Journal of Radiological Protection 31, 411-430.