The following applied research publications reflect our role as an interface between academia and science-based organisations. Please contact the authors for further information.
Publications from 2007
Benbow, S., Walker, C. and Savage, D. (2007) Intercomparison of cement solid-solution models. SKI Report 2007:29. Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Steven Benbow
- Colin Walker
Bond, A.E. and Towler, G. 2007. LLWR Lifetime Project: Water Balance for the Version 1 Regional Groundwater Flow Model. QRS-1354F-RegionalWB.
Bond, A.E., Towler, G., and Robinson., P. 2007. Nagra VPAC Code Verification: LILW Release Rate Modelling. QRS-1389A-TR1.
Bond, A.E., Towler, G., and Robinson., P. 2007. Nagra VPAC Code Verification: Test Cases for VPAC Code Comparison. QRS-1389A-2.
C.S. Walker, S.E.P Dowker, P. Anderson, and J.C. Elliott. Kinetic Control in Permeable Hydroxyapatite Demineralization. (In submission). Submitted to American Mineralogist, November 2007.
- Colin Walker
Clarke, S.F.J., Chilcott, R.P., Wilson, J., Kamanyire R., Baker, D., Hallett, A. (2007) Decontamination of multiple casualties who are chemically contaminated: a challenge for acute trusts? Pre-Hospital and Disaster Medicine 23(2), 175-181.
Collier DC and Penfold JSS (2007). Lessons Learned from the NDA's Site End State Definition Process. Proceedings of the UK Decommissioning and Waste Management Conference, 16-17 October, 2007, Rheged, Cumbria.
- David Collier
- James Penfold
Hama, K, Kunimaru, T, Metcalfe, R and Martin, A.J. (2007). The hydrogeochemistry of argillaceous rock formations at the Horonobe URL site, Japan. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 32: 170-180.
Hodgkinson D (2007). Äspö Task Force on modelling of groundwater flow and transport of solutes: Review of Tasks 6D, 6E, 6F and 6F2. SKB Technical Report TR-07-03.
- David Hodgkinson
Hunter, J., Michie, U., Smith, N.T., and Towler, G. 2007. LLWR Lifetime Project: Reinterpretation of the Quaternary geology of the LLWR site and the surrounding region. QRS-1354F-Geology.
L.M.C. Limer (2007) Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning: modelling soil carbon cycling. PhD thesis, Department of Biology, University of York, UK.
Little RH, Avis J, Bond AE, Calder N, Garisto N, King F, Penfold JSS, Towler G, Walke RC and Xie M (2007). OPG's Deep Geologic Repository for Low & Intermediate Level Waste: Postclosure Safety Assessment (V0) Report for the Version 0 Assessment. QRS-1335A-TR4, June 2007.
Little, R., Bond, A., Dragolici, F., Matyasi, L., Matyasi, S., Naum, N., Niculae, O., Thorne, M. and S. Watson. Preliminary Safety Analysis of the Baita Bihor Radioactive Waste Repository, Romania. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Environmental. Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management . ICEM2007. September 2-6, 2007, Oud Sint-Jan Hospital Conference Center, Bruges, Belgium
Maul P R, Metcalfe R, Pearce J, Savage D and West J M (2007). Performance Assessments for the Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide: Learning from the Radioactive Waste Disposal Experience. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 1, 444-455. doi: 10.1016/S1750-5836(07)00074-6.
- Philip Maul
- Richard Metcalfe
Metcalfe R and Little R H (2007). Review of the Near-field and Geosphere Behaviour of Beryllium. Quintessa Limited Report to United Kingdom Nirex Limited QRS-1351A-1, Version 1.0, February 2007.
Metcalfe R, Crawford M B, Bath A H, Littleboy A K, Degnan P J and Richards H G (2007) Characteristics of deep groundwater flow in a basin marginal setting at Sellafield, Northwest England: 36Cl and halide evidence. Applied Geochemistry, 22: 128-151.
Mizuno, T, Metcalfe, R, Iwatsuki, T and Mie, H (2007) Proposal for quality assessment method of groundwater chemistry for hydrochemical investigation. Journal of the Japanese Association of Groundwater Hydrology, 49: 139-152. (In Japanese).
Penfold JSS (2007). Chapelcross End State Study - Results of the Public Consultation on the Chapelcross End State, QRS-1374A-TN8, Version 1, February 2007.
Penfold, J S S, Robinson P C, Walke R C and Watson C E (2007). The Radioactively Contaminated Land Exposure Assessment Methodology - Technical Report. Defra interim report CLR 14, January 2007.
Perko J, Mallants D, Volckaert G, Towler G, Egan M, Viršek S and Hertl B (2007). Modelling Approach to LILW-SL Repository Safety Evaluation for Different Waste Packaging Options. ICEM'07: 11th International Conference on Environmental Remediation and Radioactive Waste Management, Bruges, 2-6 September 2007.
Robertson S, Fox S, Love J, Graham D, Egan M, Penfold J and Collier D (2007). Consultation on Options for the Dounreay Site End State and their Impact on End Use. Proceedings of the UK Decommissioning and Waste Management Conference, Rheged, Cumbria, 16-17 October 2007.
- David Collier
- James Penfold
Robinson P. and Suckling P. (2007). PICNIC TD: User Guide for Version 1.0. Quintessa Report QRS-3012A-6, Version 1.0. July 2007.
Savage D, Watson C, Benbow S and Wilson J (2007) Modelling iron-bentonite interactions. Workshop on Long-Term Performance of Smectitic Clays Embedding Canisters with Highly Radioactive Waste, (ed. R. Pusch), Lund, Sweden, 356-365.
Savage, D. and Benbow, S. (2007) Low pH cements. SKI Report 2007:32. Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate, Stockholm, Sweden.
Savage, D., Benbow, S., Watson, C., Takase, H., Oda, C. and Honda, A., “Natural systems evidence for the alteration of clay under alkaline conditions: an example from Searles Lake, California”, Workshop on Long-Term Performance of Smectitic Clays Embedding Canisters with Highly Radioactive Waste, (ed. R. Pusch), Lund, Sweden, 132-142, 2007.
- Steven Benbow
- Hiroyasu Takase
- Claire Watson
Savage, D., Walker, C., Arthur, R., Rochelle, C. and Oda, C. (2007) Alteration of bentonite by hyperalkaline fluids: a review of the role of secondary minerals. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 32: 287-297.
- Colin Walker
Towler, G. H., Barker, J.A., McGarry, R.G., Watson, S.P., Michie, U., and Holstein, A. 2007. Post Closure Performance Assessment: Application of Methods for Alternative Environments. System Descriptions and Groundwater Models. QRS-1378G-AltGeo2.
Towler, G., and McGarry, R. 2007. LLWR Lifetime Project: Version 1 Regional Groundwater Flow Model. QRS-1354F-LLWRRegionalHydro.
Towler, G., Black, J., and Bond, A.E. 2007. LLWR Lifetime Project: Reassessnent of the LLWR site water balance. QRS-1354F-LLWRWB.
Towler, G.H., Metcalfe, R., Watston, S.P., McEwen, T.J., and Bath, A.H. 2007. Properties of mudstones of a kind that could prove suitable to host a repository for radioactive wastes. QRS-1378A-Rk_Props.
Ueda, H., Hyodo, H., Takase, H., Savage, D., Benbow, S. and Noda, M. (2007) Evaluation of the kinetics of cement-bentonite interaction in a HLW repository using the reactor solute transport simulator. 15th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Nagoya, Japan, ICONE15-10566.
- Steven Benbow
- Hiroyasu Takase
Walke R C, Thorne M C and Watson C E (2007). The PRISM Foodchain Modelling Software: Version 3.1 Technical Report. Quintessa Report to the UK Food Standards Agency QRS-3004B-1, Version 1.0, May 2007.
Walker, C.S., Savage, D., Tyrer, M. and Ragnarsdottir, K.V. (2007) Non-ideal solid solution aqueous solution modelling of synthetic calcium silicate hydrate. Cement and Concrete Research 37: 502-511.
- Colin Walker
Watson C E, Benbow S J and Savage D (2007). Modelling the interaction of low pH cements and bentonite: Issues affecting the geochemical evolution of repositories for radioactive waste. SKI Report 2007:30
Watson SP, 2007. Parameters for Input into a Groundwater Flow Modelling Study for the Shaft Isolation Project. UKAEA SILW Reference 54324/3/REP/QNT/1597/IS/01.
Watson SP, Metcalfe R, McEwen T and Paulley A (2007) International Precedents for HLW/SF Iron Canister Concepts: Review and Consideration of Applicability in the UK Context. Quintessa Report QRS-1376A-1v2.
Watson, S.P., Metcalfe, R., McEwen, T, Michie, U. and Paulley A (2007) Identification of how aspects of the Nirex PGRC would differ is adapted to alternative geologies. Quintessa Report QRS-1338A-1v3.
Webb GM, Leonard K and Penfold JSS (2007). Nairn Conference Supplement Editorial. Journal of Radiological Protection, 27 No 3A, September 2007.