The following applied research publications reflect our role as an interface between academia and science-based organisations. Please contact the authors for further information.
Publications from 2013
Bond A, Millard A, Nakama S, Zhang C, Garritte B (2013). Approaches for representing hydro-mechanical coupling between sub-surface excavations and argillaceous porous media at the Ventilation Experiment, Mont-Terri.
- Alex Bond
- Philip Maul
- Richard Metcalfe
- Paul Suckling
- Kate Thatcher
- Russell Walke
Laura Limer, Richard Kłos, George Shaw and Russell Walke (2013). Terrestrial Biosphere Modelling of C-14 Research.
Limer L, Klos R, Walke R, Shaw G, Nordén M and Xu S (2013). Soil-plant-atmosphere modelling in the context of releases of C-14 as a consequence of nuclear activities. Radiocarbon, 55 (2-3), 804-813.
- Alex Bond
- Philip Maul
- Richard Metcalfe
- Alan Paulley
Metcalfe, R., Paulley, A., Towler, G. and Wilson, J (2013) Stages Risk Assessment of Salt Cavern Stabilisation, Phase 1: Contribution to the Pilot Stabilisation Caverns Twente (PSTC) Project. QRS-1627A-1 Version 1.0.
Millard A, Bond A, Nakama S, Zhang C, Barnichon J, Garitte B (2013). Accounting for anisotropic effects in the prediction of the hydro-mechanical response of a ventilated tunnel in an argillaceous rock.
Mobbs S, Shaw G, Norris S, Marang L, Sumerling T, Albrecht A, Xu S, Thorne M, Limer L, Smith K and Smith G (2013). Developments in modeling of C-14 in the biosphere for solid radioactive waste disposal. Radiocarbon, 55 (2-3), 814-825.
- Laura Limer
- Philip Maul
- Richard Metcalfe
- Alan Paulley
Shimada H, Kumagai T, Takase H, McKinley I, Someya S, Miyagawa T, Henderson A, and McClowry S. 2013. Developing a CCS communication framework for Japan.
- Hiroyasu Takase
Thatcher K, Westbrook G, Sarkar S and Minshull T (2013). Methane release from warming-induced hydrate dissociation in the West Svalbard continental margin: Timing, rates, and geological controls. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, vol 118, 1-17.
Thorne M C and Walke R C (2013). Assessment of C-14 Bearing Gas: Update to the Soil-Plant Component of the Biosphere Model. Quintessa Limited report to LLWR Limited QRS-1443QZ-1, Version 1.0.
Walke R, Thorne M and Limer L (2013). Nagra Biosphere Modelling: Review of Generic Data. Nagra Arbeitsbericht NAB 13-49, Wettingen, Switzerland.
Walke R, van Dorp F and Keesmann S (2013). Biosphere Modelling for C-14: Description of the Nagra Model. Nagra Arbeitsbericht NAB 12-26, Wettingen, Switzerland.
Watson C E, Robinson P C and Maul P R (2013). The Role of Data Visualisation in Core Inspection Decision Making. In: Modelling and Measuring Reactor Core Graphite Properties and Performance (G B Neighbour Ed.), Royal Society of Chemistry Special Publication 342, RSC Publishing, Cambridge UK.
- Philip Maul
- Peter Robinson
- Claire Watson
Watson C, Savage D, Wilson J, Benbow S, Walker C and Norris S (2013). The Tournemire industrial analogue: reactive-transport modelling of a cement-clay interface. Clay Minerals 48:167-184.
- Richard Metcalfe
- K Yamaguchi
Yamamoto, K., Yoshida, H., Akagawa, F., Nishimoto, S. and Metcalfe, R. 2013. Redox front penetration in the fractured Toki Granite, central Japan: An analogue for redox reactions and redox buffering in fractured crystalline host rocks for repositories of long-lived radioactive waste. Applied Geochemistry, 35, 75–87.