The following applied research publications reflect our role as an interface between academia and science-based organisations. Please contact the authors for further information.
Bond AE, Thatcher K, Chittenden N, McDermott C and Fraser-Harris A (2015). RWM Coupled Processes Project: Second Annual Report for RWM participation in DECOVALEX-2015 Tasks A and C1. 18040-TR-003 v3.0
Bond AE, Thatcher KE, Norris S, 2015. Multi-scale gas transport modelling for the EC FORGE project. Mineralogical Magazine, 79, 1251-1263. DOI: 10.1180/minmag.2015.079.7.01
Hicks T W, Watson S P (2015) A Potential Methodology for Determining a Tolerable Separation Distance Between Disposal Areas Containing Different Types of Waste. 1151b1-3. Report for RWM.
Hunter F, Adeogun A, Dawson J, LaVerne J and Watson S (2015). Determination of G-values for use in SMOGG gas generation calculations. Report for RWM.
Kitamura A, Takase H, Metcalfe R and Penfold J (2015). Effects of α-radiation on a direct disposal system for spent nuclear fuel – (2) review of research into safety assessments of direct disposal of spent nuclear fuel in Europe and North America. Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 52, 1-16.
Limer L M C, Le Dizès-Maurel S, Klos R, Maro D and Nordén M (2015). Impacts of 14C discharges from a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant on surrounding vegetation: Comparison between grass field measurements and TOCATTA-χ and SSPAM14C model computations. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 147, 115-124.
McDermott C, Bond A, Fraser Harris A, Chittenden N, K Thatcher (2015) Application of hybrid numerical and analytical solutions for the simulation of coupled thermal, hydraulic, mechanical and chemical processes during fluid flow through a fractured rock. Environ Earth Sci (2015) 74:7837–7854.
Metcalfe R, Watson S, McEwen T (2015) Geosphere Parameters for Generic Geological Environments. QRS-1712C-1. Report for RWM.
Paulley A and Towler G (2015). National Strategic BAT for Metallic Lower Activity Radioactive Wastes. Final Report. March 2015. A Jacobs report for LLWR Ltd., Reference B2010100_03.
Robinson P, Burrow J and Maul P (2015). Statistical Modelling of the Evolution of Graphite Properties and Reactor Cores. The 4th EDF Energy Nuclear Graphite Symposium: Engineering Challenges Associated with the Life of Graphite Reactor Cores. EMAS Publishing.
Suckling P, Avis J, Calder N, Nasir O, Humphreys P, King F, Walsh R (2015) T2GGM Version 3.2: Gas Generation and Transport Code. NWMO Report NWMO-TR-2015-13. Nuclear Waste Management Organization, Canada.
Thorne, M. and Wilson, J. (2015) Generally applicable limits on intakes of uranium based on its chemical toxicity and the radiological significance of intakes at those limits. Journal of Radiological Protection 35, 743-762.
TW Hicks and SP Watson (2015) A Potential Methodology for Determining a Tolerable Separation Distance Between Disposal Areas Containing Different Types of Waste. Galson Sciences Report 1151b1-3, version 2.
Walke R C, Kirchner G, Xu S and Dverstorp B (2015). Post-closure biosphere assessment modelling: comparison of complex and more stylised approaches. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 148, 50-58.
Walke R C, Little R H and Leung H (2015). Postclosure Assessment Modelling of a Deep Geologic Repository for Low and Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste in Ontario, Canada. Proceedings of the 2015 Waste Management Conference, March 15-19, Phoenix, USA.
Walke R C, Thorne M C, Smith J T and Kowe R (2015). Representation of estuarine, coastal and marine biosphere systems within post-closure performance assessments supporting geological disposal of higher activity radioactive wastes in the UK. Mineralogical Magazine, 79(6), pp. 1467–1474.
West J M, Jones D G, Annunziatellis A, Barlow T S, Beaubien S E, Bond A E, Breward N, Coombs P, De Angelis D, Gardner A, Gemeni V, Graziani S, Green K A, Gregory S, Gwosdz S, Hannis S, Kirk K, Koukouzas N, Krüger M, Libertini S, Lister T R, Lombardi S, Metcalfe R, Pearce J M, Smith K L, Steven M D, Thatcher K E, Ziogou F (2015). Comparison of the impacts of elevated CO2 soil gas concentrations on selected European terrestrial environments. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Volume 42.
Wilson J, Benbow S, Sasamoto H, Savage D and Watson C (2015). Thermodynamic and fully-coupled reactive transport models of a steel–bentonite interface. Applied Geochemistry 61 (2015) 10-28.
Wilson JC (2015) Integrated Project Team on Uranium: Phase 2 [Task RUP-1B], Review of Geochemical Conditions and Uranium Behaviour in the Near Field. Report for RWM.
Yoshida H, Ujihara A, Minami M, Asahara Y, Katsuta N, Yamamoto K, Sirono S, Maruyama I, Nishimoto S and Metcalfe R (2015). Early post-mortem formation of carbonate concretions around tusk-shells over week-month timescales. Nature Scientific Reports, 5, 14123; doi: 10.1038/srep14123.